Kudos owned by the user

vicksikand owns 116 Kudos, gave away 5 Kudos.

ananya064Re: A certain company17-Jan-2025
Alexlop17Re: A certain company12-Jan-2025
Dino_DhamakaRe: A certain company17-Nov-2024
Bharath.RRe: A certain company05-Nov-2024
PiqueeeRe: A certain company05-Nov-2024
shreeyakawadeRe: A certain company07-Oct-2024
Arjun123321Re: A certain company30-Sep-2024
twobagelsRe: How many ways..01-Aug-2024
FullridedreamsRe: A certain company28-Jul-2024
alishamatharu04Re: A certain company28-Jul-2024
my0909Re: A certain company22-May-2024
ADisHereRe: A certain company02-May-2024
closeonsundaysRe: A certain company28-Mar-2024
Kakalonu187Re: A certain company11-Mar-2024
Hbaqer14Re: A certain company14-Jan-2024
rakman123Re: A certain company20-Nov-2023
kittleRe: Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in19-Oct-2023
BLMRe: Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in25-Sep-2023
gmataimfor760Re: Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in23-Aug-2023
GopalgargRegarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,18-Aug-2023
EugeneTheGuyRegarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,14-Aug-2023
srinigajRegarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,14-Aug-2023
ninsmixRe: A certain company14-Aug-2023
Aman0076565Regarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,14-Aug-2023
kunaldoshi1999Regarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,14-Aug-2023
SurinRe: A certain company06-Aug-2023
srituRe: Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in11-May-2023
spinozRe: A certain company02-Nov-2022
yeejietangRegarded by analysts to be the result of tensions during the Cold War,08-Sep-2022
aumd568Re: Several financial officers of the company spoke on condition that they18-Aug-2022

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