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souvik101990 owns 52311 Kudos, gave away 2326 Kudos.

Thomas6655A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced14-Nov-2021
manish1923To map Earth's interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to14-Nov-2021
FeezyOneA group of FBI investigators, in connection with the 1975 disappearanc14-Nov-2021
BMohitThe Most Comprehensive Collection Of Everything Official-SC14-Nov-2021
Ddinesh23The Dear One Baby Carrier is the safest and most comfortable baby carr14-Nov-2021
HWPORecently, some astronomers spotted a gap in the extended outer atmosph13-Nov-2021
Fido10During the 1930s, Roosevelt’s New Deal expanded federal authority by13-Nov-2021
FeezyOneResearchers report that the earliest surviving Mohican inscriptions on13-Nov-2021
prajayraghuThe Indian Male MBA Application Guide13-Nov-2021
mm8888Scientists studying climate change have found that global warming not13-Nov-2021
Unknown_Re: Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants13-Nov-2021
ShemolinSentence Correction Revision: Verb Tense13-Nov-2021
thuylocaScientists studying climate change have found that global warming not13-Nov-2021
timhuelvaScientists studying climate change have found that global warming not13-Nov-2021
Abhi3492Scientists studying climate change have found that global warming not13-Nov-2021
deepthi07Scientists studying climate change have found that global warming not13-Nov-2021
mukherjeeabhishRe: Because of the multiplier effect inherent in any unlimited-transaction13-Nov-2021
manish1923The largest of all the planets, not only is Jupiter three times so mas13-Nov-2021
YashaswiPonagotiA 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced13-Nov-2021
varunmenon1045Zoologists warn of an imminent surge in the number of bird species tha12-Nov-2021
ChrissyChienWhich of the following equations is sufficient to determine12-Nov-2021
anukrishnaSince the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of th12-Nov-2021
geekgirl23Sentence Correction Megathread12-Nov-2021
atulshrivastava13Ultimate Verbal Study Plan12-Nov-2021
av2020GMAT Club RC Megathread - 2018 Edition12-Nov-2021
av2020Guide to Reading Comprehension12-Nov-2021
VissuuLaw firms and other professional services groups, academic institution12-Nov-2021
dhineshpgSouvik's GMAT Self Prep Study Plan - Start Here12-Nov-2021
sidasaurSentence Correction Megathread11-Nov-2021

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