| Giver | Post | Date |
| nil3333 | As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sen | 30-May-2022 |
| knadir | As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sen | 30-May-2022 |
| Fonda | In the seventh century B.C., the Roman alphabet was adapted from the | 30-May-2022 |
| yuhsuan1992 | Earth’s surface consists of rigid plates that are constantly shifting | 30-May-2022 |
| KshamaSingh | In South Korea in the early 2000s, growth in the nation’s ten largest | 29-May-2022 |
| KshamaSingh | Subject Verb Agreement 1. Noting that the price of oil and | 29-May-2022 |
| Pratikmm07 | The Most Comprehensive Collection Of Everything Official- CR | 29-May-2022 |
| ManRim21 | New to the verbal forum - Read this first | 29-May-2022 |
| Roobecca | In little more than a decade, Argentina has become the world’s leading | 29-May-2022 |
| MBAAD21 | Since the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of th | 29-May-2022 |
| SaurabhChaubey | A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced | 29-May-2022 |
| Kashish29 | Researchers performed an experiment in which airplane pilots | 28-May-2022 |
| nj28 | Since the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of th | 28-May-2022 |
| jacksonsimon | Memories change with time; for instance, if both members of a long-mar | 28-May-2022 |
| beeblebrox | Prairie dogs live in tight-knit colonies, called coteries, of roughly | 28-May-2022 |
| Kashish29 | Pro-Tect Insurance Company has recently been paying out more on car-th | 28-May-2022 |
| Sgpoint | In South Korea in the early 2000s, growth in the nation’s ten largest | 28-May-2022 |
| naradileep | How to tackle every single GMAT SC Problem | 28-May-2022 |
| achloes | The books of Agatha Christie, a popular writer of crime novels, have | 28-May-2022 |
| nidhisaha335 | To map Earth's interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to | 28-May-2022 |
| mayureshbudukh95 | A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced | 28-May-2022 |
| monikaprasad9 | Week 1 Day 1 : Verbal Introduction, Sentence Correction, S-V Agreement | 28-May-2022 |
| monikaprasad9 | Souvik's GMAT Self Prep Study Plan - Start Here | 28-May-2022 |
| ShakebAjaz | Customers are aware that most of the faults that arise in their mobile | 27-May-2022 |
| amangupta207 | Re: Archaeologists in Egypt have excavated a 5,000-year-old | 27-May-2022 |
| amogh077 | Souvik's GMAT Self Prep Study Plan - Start Here | 27-May-2022 |
| Conquistador23 | Ultimate Verbal Study Plan | 27-May-2022 |
| phoenix2194 | Sentence Correction Megathread | 27-May-2022 |
| Quang1234 | Week 1 Day 2 : Arithmetic, Fraction-Decimal-Percentages and Practice | 27-May-2022 |
| p41060 | Since the end of the recently extended recession, prices for all of th | 27-May-2022 |