Kudos owned by the user

souvik101990 owns 52290 Kudos, gave away 2326 Kudos.

Shohan23Critical Reasoning: Evaluate Question bank (700+)11-Feb-2023
nish9Sentence Correction Megathread10-Feb-2023
R0bertPhysiological research has uncovered disturbing evidence linking a num10-Feb-2023
sameep22Assumption Megathread09-Feb-2023
JoeKan1234During the tenure of Steve Jobs, which was memorable as much for his09-Feb-2023
Susy426Re: Hurricanes at first begin traveling from east to west, because that di08-Feb-2023
AMANGEHIBecause the body adapts more readily to lengthened days than to shorte08-Feb-2023
kuxcarRe: Unlike the short flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which08-Feb-2023
Fed24Re: Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit07-Feb-2023
miapentzlinA 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced07-Feb-2023
theunnatiguptaNew to the verbal forum - Read this first07-Feb-2023
Aparna_4According to the investigations of physiologists and psychologists06-Feb-2023
marepareazMemories change with time; for instance, if both members of a long-mar06-Feb-2023
vishalsinghvs08Sentence Correction Megathread06-Feb-2023
RICHA1189Physiological research has uncovered disturbing evidence linking a num06-Feb-2023
danymasri98To map Earth's interior, geologists use a network of seismometers to05-Feb-2023
suyash26Criminals released from prison on parole have generally been put under05-Feb-2023
danymasri98Ultimate Verbal Study Plan04-Feb-2023
balthazar98Strengthen/Weaken Tuesdays - Weekly Revision!04-Feb-2023
SristishawGMAT Critical Reasoning Resources Collection!04-Feb-2023
sayan12345Strengthen/Weaken Tuesdays - Weekly Revision!03-Feb-2023
RonilshRe: New SC project - ask a question, get explanation and a kudo!03-Feb-2023
randomgmatstudentDuring the tenure of Steve Jobs, which was memorable as much for his03-Feb-2023
gmatQueen100Gerrit: While browsing in a record store I noticed that one copy of a03-Feb-2023
SwetaanimeSentence Correction Megathread03-Feb-2023
prateekkukreja99A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced03-Feb-2023
udaypratapsingh99Customers are aware that most of the faults that arise in their mobile03-Feb-2023
NeerajShettyImportance of the First 10 Questions - GMAT Prep What If Scenarios03-Feb-2023
malaika21A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced03-Feb-2023
wolverine4156The Most Comprehensive Collection Of Everything Official- RC02-Feb-2023

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