Kudos owned by the user

Sajjad1994 owns 42387 Kudos, gave away 5935 Kudos.

SahilGera18The recent photographs of the giant squid are remarkable because they02-Apr-2021
SahilGera18What both puzzles and intrigues many investigators is the differing02-Apr-2021
bouleauCountry L used to import wheat from Country S because Country S's pric02-Apr-2021
amandaklai2(3 x [(5 + y 2)/x] 7 + 23^2) =01-Apr-2021
shuklajiRe: A fake can be defined as an artwork intended to deceive. The motives01-Apr-2021
shuklajiRe: A fake can be defined as an artwork intended to deceive. The motives01-Apr-2021
SuperKDA real estate developer in Florida, desiring to protect his high-rise01-Apr-2021
VissuuUntil recently, many anthropologists assumed that the environment of01-Apr-2021
dhilavikashIt comes as no surprise that there is little consensus among economist01-Apr-2021
varunmenon1045Josh has twenty years of typing experience behind him; therefore, if y31-Mar-2021
varunmenon1045Thousands of people have tonsillectomies every year and all live norma31-Mar-2021
ppichchapaThe peanut, or groundnut, a legume probably first cultivated as many a31-Mar-2021
fredawongIn recent years, a growing belief that the way society decides what to31-Mar-2021
scranjithAccording to the international astronomical union, the following rules31-Mar-2021
shamitgoyal24The four categories of milk shown in the graph above represent 100% of31-Mar-2021
RebeccaWuThe effect of voters previously stated preference regarding the issue31-Mar-2021
smmc29Matisse and Picasso; Picasso and Matisse. Throughout the twentieth31-Mar-2021
3DAll coffee drinkers in an office ought to contribute equally to the31-Mar-2021
dkmmm2(3 x [(5 + y 2)/x] 7 + 23^2) =31-Mar-2021
yashdubey869In 1985, the california supreme court lifted a ban on fortune tellers,31-Mar-2021
mpanchettiThe genius of Beethoven can be seen in the widely observed phenomenon31-Mar-2021
VBISHNOIOver-specialization by an employee in training for a particular career31-Mar-2021
itsarudolfRe: There is a dangerous tendency in superficial analyses of Virgil’s Aene31-Mar-2021

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