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Sajjad1994 owns 42404 Kudos, gave away 5935 Kudos.

harshitajn02Green paint is made by mixing blue paint with yellow paint in a ratio13-May-2021
abhaychoudharySynthetic polymers are man-made polymers colloquially referred to as “13-May-2021
AnushkaGovil123A medical article once pointed with great alarm to an increase in13-May-2021
srjbrgGMAT Club RC mega thread - 2020 Edition13-May-2021
jjchowlauThe term biomimicry surfaces frequently in scientific circles to desc13-May-2021
lovishgidwaniGreen paint is made by mixing blue paint with yellow paint in a ratio13-May-2021
INTRUDERThe fairness of the judicial process depends on the objective presenta13-May-2021
jjchowlauAs urbanization continues to accelerate, many urban areas in develop13-May-2021
armaan112The fairness of the judicial process depends on the objective presenta13-May-2021
abhaychoudharySince its inception, the many counter-intuitive aspects and results of13-May-2021
abhaychoudharyAs the proportion of Australian workers who are self-employed has boom13-May-2021
aayushb98The term biomimicry surfaces frequently in scientific circles to desc13-May-2021
12201617039Benjamin Franklin established that lightning is the transfer of13-May-2021
12201617039Although Victor Turner’s writings have proved fruitful for fields13-May-2021
narottamsankheInvestigators of monkeys’ social behavior have always been struck by13-May-2021
PoojathakkarInvestigators of monkeys’ social behavior have always been struck by13-May-2021
bedirushilThe stock market tends to move in response to the release of the U.S.13-May-2021
Rakhi08In 1985, the california supreme court lifted a ban on fortune tellers,13-May-2021
cassiegmatGMAT Club RC mega thread - 2020 Edition13-May-2021
shipra97An electronics company’s two divisions showed consistent performance o13-May-2021
harvardforsureBenjamin Franklin established that lightning is the transfer of13-May-2021
PaguroApplications and Admissions to Top MBA Programs in 202213-May-2021
hayleehoangA circle with center (h, k), in which k = 2h, lies tangent to the y-ax13-May-2021
iamdonA nature conservancy expert found little support for his campaign to p12-May-2021
XavierAlexanderTribal communities in North America believe that their traditional12-May-2021
bbRe: Economist GMAT Tutor Reading Challenge12-May-2021
ppichchapaOne often hears that biographies are autobiographies, that the biograp12-May-2021
Nick7Integrated Reasoning (IR) Mega thread12-May-2021

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