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Sajjad1994 owns 42425 Kudos, gave away 5936 Kudos.

arvjamRC Butler 2021 - Practice Two RC Questions Everyday.23-Jun-2021
Camma2000In 1978, as public reaction to the Love Canal landfill leak snowballed23-Jun-2021
ansaroseThe table shows total sales and e-commerce sales, in millions of dolla23-Jun-2021
ansaroseAn employee of a certain company is creating the smallest possible cub23-Jun-2021
prathampatankarRC Butler 2021 - Practice Two RC Questions Everyday.23-Jun-2021
PRATAPABHAYIn 1923 the innovative Russian filmmaker Dziga Vertov described filmma23-Jun-2021
Sabarish1303The California ground squirrel must constantly balance the conflicting22-Jun-2021
Suhasini95Re: Matisse and Picasso; Picasso and Matisse. Throughout the twentieth22-Jun-2021
darshit36Some economists cite the Easterlin paradox to justify redistribution22-Jun-2021
darshit36In 1901, divers exploring the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of22-Jun-2021
darshit36Synthetic polymers are man-made polymers colloquially referred to as “22-Jun-2021
cristinacastellanGMAT Club RC mega thread - 2020 Edition22-Jun-2021
rahulsinha21Innovations in language are never completely new. When the words used22-Jun-2021
njonjo4realRe: As the proportion of Australian workers who are self-employed has boom22-Jun-2021
Bambi2021McBride: The proposed new fuel-efficiency standards, if implemented,22-Jun-2021
visruthsankaAlthough the recent debate over the efficacy of capital punishment as22-Jun-2021
shishirggzImmediately after the execution of Socrates, Plato and his companions22-Jun-2021
raylllIt is commonplace among American economists today to insist that the22-Jun-2021
tharunkumar0648Synthetic polymers are man-made polymers colloquially referred to as “22-Jun-2021
narjiSince the 1994 introduction to supermarket shelves of Calgene’s Flavr22-Jun-2021
devtashreyThere is extraordinary exposure in the United States to the risks of22-Jun-2021
sting8Re: While historians once propagated the myth that Africans who were22-Jun-2021
varunmenon1045Many athletes develop poor fundamentals when trying to compensate for22-Jun-2021
H18Fairy tales address themselves to two communities, each with its own21-Jun-2021
shubkashAnimal intelligence is a hotly debated topic in the biological science21-Jun-2021
nitinmaniJess is running her first ultramarathon (100 miles) with her friend21-Jun-2021
AmarpreetKIn most major metropolitan areas, the number of hate crimes per capita21-Jun-2021
H18The Fire Sprinkler Initiative, which advocates the use of sprinkler21-Jun-2021
RishitaPalepuRC 1000 Series Complete Reading Comprehension Collection 2772 Q's21-Jun-2021

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