Kudos owned by the user

Raxit85 owns 1112 Kudos, gave away 135 Kudos.

generisRe: Genetically modified seeds with no requirement of costly06-Jul-2019
generisRe: First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble06-Jul-2019
generisThe policy of “Nationalism” has been around since 1975 when officials05-Jul-2019
generisRe: In order to improve the aesthetics of the neighborhood a group of05-Jul-2019
generisRe: Experts predict that the increasing levels of air pollution in Beijing03-Jul-2019
DesertchampionRe: Although the variegated shell ginger, a colorful plant native to India01-Jul-2019
generisRe: Traditional art and modern art both part of the cultural frame of29-Jun-2019
generisRe: The reason most new ventures fail within a year of their launch is29-Jun-2019
generisRe: The Dikes of the Netherlands were built for stopping sea water from27-Jun-2019
generisRe: The management was impressed by the fact that even though John had27-Jun-2019
generisRe: While previous United States Presidents had been able to manipulate14-Jun-2019
generisRe: Although he was not a physician Louis Pasteur administered a rabies08-Jun-2019
GKomokuRe: Although he was not a physician Louis Pasteur administered a rabies08-Jun-2019
TheSueBearRe: Although he was not a physician Louis Pasteur administered a rabies07-Jun-2019
generisRe: Isaac Asimov contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion he received06-Jun-2019
generisRe: Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, the architect of both the Taj Mahal a white04-Jun-2019
generisRe: Experimental stem-cell procedures on conditions such as arthritis and04-Jun-2019
generisRe: Although the variegated shell ginger, a colorful plant native to India03-Jun-2019
generisRe: Franklin Delano Roosevelt had supported New Jersey's progressive gover03-Jun-2019
generisRe: Although having gained fame for his paintings in the 1920s his29-May-2019
generisRe: A study by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that in 201329-May-2019
generisRe: With the enactment of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act school lunch26-May-2019
generisRe: The garden of the governor's mansion in the 1950s was mostly made up26-May-2019
AjiteshArunRe: Unlike a female grizzly bear in the Rockies, which typically occupies17-May-2019
generisRe: Thomas Jefferson, the muted public speaker, was quite different from10-May-2019

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