Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66554 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

pallavi103All GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic22-May-2021
awlittlejohnRe: Although the restaurant company has recently added many new restaurant22-May-2021
LostKnightRe: Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the sa22-May-2021
rohitsinghnitjRe: Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the sa22-May-2021
thanht1enAccording to scholars, the earliest writing was probably not a direct22-May-2021
rigsolRe: Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the22-May-2021
Pumbaa0321Re: Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are in the world, partly22-May-2021
thanht1enRe: According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of22-May-2021
cristinacastellanAll GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic22-May-2021
Anush56GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Guide for Beginners22-May-2021
adityaganjooRe: To attract the most talented workers, some companies are offering a wi22-May-2021
Aruni1991Re: Politician: A major social problem is children hurting other children.22-May-2021
UngaaiiRe: Music critic: Fewer and fewer musicians are studying classical music,22-May-2021
UngaaiiRe: In the United States of the people who moved from one state to another22-May-2021
UngaaiiRe: Psychologist: In a study, researchers gave 100 volunteers a psychologi22-May-2021
samicabatraRe: Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide again22-May-2021
krittapatRe: Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and22-May-2021
krittapatRe: Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and22-May-2021
krittapatRe: Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and22-May-2021
anmolioRe: A proposed change to federal income tax laws would eliminate deduction22-May-2021
UngaaiiRe: Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of a product to retailers22-May-2021
krittapatRe: According to the Tristate Transportation Authority, making certain imp22-May-2021
krittapatRe: According to the Tristate Transportation Authority, making certain imp22-May-2021
KrishnahelpsRe: As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sen22-May-2021
JavokhirrrRe: Music critic: Fewer and fewer musicians are studying classical music,22-May-2021
krittapatRe: According to the Tristate Transportation Authority, making certain imp22-May-2021
mdsaddamforgmatRe: For many years, historians thought that the development of capitalism22-May-2021
mdsaddamforgmatFor many years, historians thought that the development of capitalism22-May-2021
harshitajn02Re: Professor: A marine biologist argues that transmission of sea lice21-May-2021

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