Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66610 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

GraceSCKaoRe: Although there is no record of poet Edmund Spenser's parentage, we do03-Aug-2021
bbChat post03-Aug-2021
kirstikChat post03-Aug-2021
alexsrChat post03-Aug-2021
albsilvagExperts' Topic of the Week, 5/22/17: Ultimate RC Guide for Beginners03-Aug-2021
harrsh10Re: Despite Japan’s relative isolation from world trade at the time, the03-Aug-2021
katty123Re: Twenty-two feet long and 10 feet in diameter, the AM-1 is one of the03-Aug-2021
GraceSCKaoRe: A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced03-Aug-2021
ag28Re: Since 1978 when the copyright law was changed, books that are less tha03-Aug-2021
TanyaSwaroopRe: GMAT Ninja Verbal Wednesdays, LIVE on YouTube -- ask your Qs here!03-Aug-2021
esajonRe: Leaf beetles damage willow trees by stripping away their leaves, but03-Aug-2021
katty123Verbal Expert Topic That “-ing” word probably isn’t a verb03-Aug-2021
victoriawongcAll GMAT Ninja Complete Sentence Correction Explanations03-Aug-2021
victoriawongcExperts' Topic of the Week, 5/29/17: No-BS Guide to GMAT Idioms03-Aug-2021
victoriawongcExperts’ Topic of the Week, 5/15/17: fun with "-ed" words03-Aug-2021
KevinMaloneSrRe: In his research paper, Dr. Frosh, medical director of the Payne Whitne03-Aug-2021
pkleoRe: Coffee shop owner: A large number of customers will pay at least the03-Aug-2021
PlyPatiphonRe: Historical documents have revealed that among the Timucua of Florida,03-Aug-2021
Sinha97Re: Guitar strings often go "dead"--become less responsive and bright in03-Aug-2021
Sinha97Re: Correctly measuring the productivity of service workers is complex. Co03-Aug-2021
Fdambro294Re: To reduce productivity losses from employees calling in sick. Corporat02-Aug-2021
ag28Re: Professor: A marine biologist argues that transmission of sea lice02-Aug-2021
romil666Re: Pro-Tect Insurance Company has recently been paying out more on car-th02-Aug-2021
raiyanishmamRe: Heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved from the previous year, only02-Aug-2021
Hector1SRe: Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incine02-Aug-2021
andheo12Re: In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference02-Aug-2021
sriharsha4444Re: Traverton s city council wants to minimize the city s02-Aug-2021
riteshgRe: In current historiography, the picture of a consistent, unequivocal de02-Aug-2021
abhisheksr29Re: The introduction of new drugs into the market is frequently prevented02-Aug-2021
abhisheksr29Re: When hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then aske02-Aug-2021

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