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GMATNinja owns 66620 Kudos, gave away 1885 Kudos.

RajakingGMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Guide for Beginners14-Aug-2021
V43GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Guide for Beginners14-Aug-2021
V43Start Here For SC: GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Resources14-Aug-2021
MBAAD21All GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic14-Aug-2021
AJJimmyRe: Recent observations suggest that small, earthlike worlds form a very14-Aug-2021
DarpaRe: The most vexing problem faced by researchers exploring wind-powered14-Aug-2021
PreenagRe: Twenty years ago, Balzania put in place regulations requiring operator14-Aug-2021
rajshrimankarAll GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic14-Aug-2021
mnbvcxz98Re: The company announced that its profits declined much less in the secon14-Aug-2021
ujainRe: The system of patent-granting, which confers temporary monopolies for14-Aug-2021
Nipungupta9081Re: As criminal activity on the Internet becomes more and more sophisticat14-Aug-2021
Swarna94Re: In order to maintain the competitive edge our company has gained throu14-Aug-2021
Somya2402Experts' Topic of the Week, 5/22/17: Ultimate RC Guide for Beginners14-Aug-2021
krishanudasguptaRe: Half of Metroburg's operating budget comes from a payroll tax of 2 per14-Aug-2021
dream_gogoRe: Industry analysts said that the recent rise in fuel prices may be an14-Aug-2021
Shivangi02Re: It may someday be worthwhile to try to recover uranium from14-Aug-2021
kanishaksharmaRe: Evidence of some shifts in the character of violence on television is14-Aug-2021
kanishaksharmaRe: Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits14-Aug-2021
Aarushi02Re: Fossils of the arm of a sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated14-Aug-2021
rajshrimankarVerbal Expert Topic That “-ing” word probably isn’t a verb13-Aug-2021
AkimboRe: Due to the highly sensitive nature of their work, all State Department13-Aug-2021
krishanudasguptaFaced with an estimated $2 billion budget gap, the citys mayor propos13-Aug-2021
krishanudasguptaRe: According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of13-Aug-2021
tyson111Re: Excavation of the ancient city of Kourion on the island of Cyprus reve13-Aug-2021
Imran2001Re: Heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved from the previous year, only13-Aug-2021
sakkul26Re: November is traditionally the strongest month for sales of light truck13-Aug-2021
ashmit99Re: Now generally regarded as a forgery, the Kensington Rune Stone, a 90-k13-Aug-2021
ag28There are recent reports of apparently drastic declines in amphibian13-Aug-2021
tyson111GMAT Ninja's Sentence Correction Guide for Beginners13-Aug-2021
sriharsha4444Re: Ythex has developed a small diesel engine that produces 30 percent les13-Aug-2021

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