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GMATNinja owns 66597 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

agrasanIn their study of whether offering a guarantee of service quality will15-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: In their study of whether offering a guarantee of service quality will15-Jun-2024
Lobo22Re: Carotenoids, a family of natural pigments, form an important part of15-Jun-2024
Avneeshyadav01Re: Psychologist: In a study, researchers gave 100 volunteers a psychologi15-Jun-2024
Avneeshyadav01Re: Psychologist: In a study, researchers gave 100 volunteers a psychologi15-Jun-2024
apoorvaycRe: The brain contributes to the adaptive success of animals through the c15-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks15-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks15-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: After evidence was obtained in the 1920s that the universe is expandin15-Jun-2024
sayan12345Re: Reporting that one of its many problems had been the recent extended14-Jun-2024
NDTTTIs ab<1? (1) a^2b<a (2) ab^2<b14-Jun-2024
NDTTTIn August, Mr. Zelenskys earnings were 40% of the total earnings14-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: One proposal for preserving rain forests is to promote the adoption of14-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: One proposal for preserving rain forests is to promote the adoption of14-Jun-2024
NDTTTAn investor bought an asset on December 31st, 201014-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: Manufacturers have to do more than build large manufacturing14-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: Manufacturers have to do more than build large manufacturing14-Jun-2024
NDTTTThere are two positive integers a and b, where a > b.14-Jun-2024
agrasanRe: For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been da14-Jun-2024
nitin_gargRe: Woodrow Wilson was referring to the liberal idea of the14-Jun-2024
Sirdec973GMAT Ninja Study Plan Week 214-Jun-2024
abnvguptaRe: Correctly measuring the productivity of service workers is complex. Co13-Jun-2024
Rucha.ShuklaHow many values of x satisfy13-Jun-2024
mbagmat12345Re: Roland: The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this cou13-Jun-2024
ScifickRe: Advertisement: For sinus pain, three out of four hospitals give their13-Jun-2024
NV6526Re: For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been da13-Jun-2024
TAdi47Why You Should Use LSAT Tests for GMAT RC & CR13-Jun-2024
ruisRe: Enforcement of local speed limits through police monitoring has proven13-Jun-2024
SnorLax_7Re: Columnist: People should avoid using a certain artificial fat that has13-Jun-2024
vishal_guptaRe: In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme Court held that the ri13-Jun-2024

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