Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66641 Kudos, gave away 1886 Kudos.

02999Re: As a large corporation in a small country, Hachnut wants its managers26-Oct-2021
rohanparekhRe: Chinese public buildings erected under a construction code of the Sung26-Oct-2021
GMATVirtuosoRe: Strategy of v40+ performers under time pressure26-Oct-2021
MartaPuigGCAll GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic26-Oct-2021
bhavya4793Re: According to many analysts, labor-management relations in the United26-Oct-2021
bhavya4793According to many analysts, labor-management relations in the United26-Oct-2021
bhavya4793Re: Arboria is floundering in the global marketplace, incurring devastati26-Oct-2021
justinsgmatprep20Re: Not trusting themselves to choose wisely among the wide array of inves26-Oct-2021
justinsgmatprep20Re: In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of26-Oct-2021
justinsgmatprep20Re: In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of26-Oct-2021
bbChat post26-Oct-2021
sehajsgambhirRe: Linda Kerber argued in the mid-1980s that after the American26-Oct-2021
MK1204Re: Proponents of the recently introduced tax on sales of new luxury boats26-Oct-2021
makshay62Re: As Hurricane Hugo approached the Atlantic coast, it increased dramatic26-Oct-2021
harshsahayRe: Rye sown in the fall and plowed into the soil in early spring leaves26-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Re: Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chip26-Oct-2021
harshsahayRe: In an attempt to improve the overall performance of clerical workers,26-Oct-2021
harshsahayRe: Ythex has developed a small diesel engine that produces 30 percent les26-Oct-2021
02999Re: A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the26-Oct-2021
Kanna444GMAT Ninja SC Expert - Ask Me Anything about GMAT SC and Grammar25-Oct-2021
bhavya4793Re: Prior to 1975, union efforts to organize public-sector clerical worker25-Oct-2021
Mahima1096Re: A certain mayor has proposed a fee of five dollars per day on private25-Oct-2021
jeffhk12Verbal Expert Topic That “-ing” word probably isn’t a verb25-Oct-2021
jeffhk12Experts’ Topic of the Week, 5/15/17: fun with "-ed" words25-Oct-2021
BLTNRe: Many house builders offer rent-to-buy programs that enable a25-Oct-2021
muddygooseRe: In some species of cricket, the number of chirps per minute used by th25-Oct-2021
StutiPradhanRe: According to a 1996 survey by the National Association of College and25-Oct-2021
snscatterRe: Advertisement: Today's customers expect high quality. Every advance in25-Oct-2021
linuschoudhuryRe: Many stock traders in the United States have set out to become global25-Oct-2021

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