Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66554 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

ashishzzzzzRe: Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually an03-Jan-2025
AnhntqRe: Half of Metroburg's operating budget comes from a payroll tax of 2 per03-Jan-2025
cbaggioReading Comprehension Resource Collection03-Jan-2025
kautukrajRe: Half of Metroburg's operating budget comes from a payroll tax of 2 per02-Jan-2025
Shobhit16During a certain GMAT marathon, the average blood pressure of female02-Jan-2025
patronumbeagleWhy You Should Use LSAT Tests for GMAT RC & CR02-Jan-2025
RongoingRe: In order to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity production the Has02-Jan-2025
mowmeow123GMAT Ninja’s Guide to Leisure Reading, Part 1: Nonfiction02-Jan-2025
caroline117GMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan (2024-25 ed.) Week 1: Start Here02-Jan-2025
CyaaGMAT Ninja's 13-Week Study Plan (2024-25 ed.) Week 302-Jan-2025
jcraferRe: In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme Court held that the ri02-Jan-2025
jcraferRe: In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme Court held that the ri02-Jan-2025
Bean1000All GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic02-Jan-2025
kushvivekRe: Political Advertisement: Mayor Delmont's critics complain about the02-Jan-2025
Sujithz001In a study of office workers at a corporation, Australian researchers02-Jan-2025
Gigii101Re: Transportation expenses accounted for a large portion of the total01-Jan-2025
MangalvedkarGMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan (2024-25 ed.) Week 1: Start Here01-Jan-2025
agrasanOutsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier01-Jan-2025
MangalvedkarGMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan Week 1 [GMAT Classic]01-Jan-2025
avanikasaneGMAT Ninja's CR Guide for Beginners01-Jan-2025
avanikasaneStart Here For CR: GMAT Ninja's Critical Reasoning Resource Collection01-Jan-2025
agrawrimGMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan (2024-25 ed.) Week 601-Jan-2025
jadenguyenRe: In the seventeenth-century Florentine textile industry, women were emp01-Jan-2025
oharshaRe: Most business historians give the impression that Marseilles, a French01-Jan-2025
MONALISHADThere are two positive integers a and b, where a > b.01-Jan-2025
agrasanRe: Images from ground-based telescopes are invariably distorted by the01-Jan-2025
agrasanRe: Images from ground-based telescopes are invariably distorted by the01-Jan-2025
AbisheksajuRe: In Stenland, many workers have been complaining that they cannot01-Jan-2025
agrasanRe: Images from ground-based telescopes are invariably distorted by the01-Jan-2025
agrasanRe: Often patients with ankle fractures that are stable, and thus do not31-Dec-2024

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