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GMATNinja owns 66573 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

mayo6499Start Here For CR: GMAT Ninja's Critical Reasoning Resource Collection03-Oct-2024
BDM11Re: When people evade income taxes by not declaring taxable income, a vici03-Oct-2024
Maddison310Start Here For CR: GMAT Ninja's Critical Reasoning Resource Collection03-Oct-2024
Maddison310GMAT Ninja’s Guide to Leisure Reading, Part 1: Nonfiction03-Oct-2024
JuneJuneTOPRe: A company that manufactures plastic products from recyclable plastic03-Oct-2024
kalpak8Re: Airline Representative: The percentage of flight delays caused by airl03-Oct-2024
joychinRe: Country X's recent stock-trading scandal should not diminish investors03-Oct-2024
schelseaohWhen asteroids collide, some collisions cause an asteroid to spin fast03-Oct-2024
Grav_zer0Re: For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been da02-Oct-2024
ananyachandra14Re: NowNews, although still the most popular magazine covering cultural02-Oct-2024
Nikkz99There are recent reports of apparently drastic declines in amphibian02-Oct-2024
Suman284Experts' Topic of the Week, 5/22/17: Ultimate RC Guide for Beginners02-Oct-2024
zermatt17Re: Around 1900, fishermen in the Chesapeake Bay area landed more than02-Oct-2024
JP&NikRe: Anthropologists once thought that the ancestors of modern humans began02-Oct-2024
LeyStudiesA train traveled at a constant speed for 180 miles02-Oct-2024
Sanskar115Re: Time Management Strategies on GMAT Focus02-Oct-2024
sahilverma96Re: New observations about the age of some globular clusters in our Milky02-Oct-2024
sahilverma96Re: New observations about the age of some globular clusters in our Milky02-Oct-2024
evitacapitanaA manufacturer wants to make p screws and q nails from a shipment02-Oct-2024
kalpak8Experts' Topic of the Week, 5/22/17: Ultimate RC Guide for Beginners02-Oct-2024
mrkperfectGMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan Week 1 [GMAT Classic]02-Oct-2024
sahilverma96Re: It is now possible to hear a recording of Caruso's singing that is far02-Oct-2024
ymescobaRe: Therapist: Cognitive psychotherapy focuses on changing a01-Oct-2024
kalpak8Reading Comprehension Resource Collection01-Oct-2024
Mohit_2356Re: A recent report determined that although only 3 percent of drivers on01-Oct-2024
BunuelRe: In 1987 sinusitis was the most common chronic medical condition in the01-Oct-2024
DonnaVRe: Antonia Castañeda has utilized scholarship from women’s studies and Me01-Oct-2024
kushalkumar04Re: Tanco, a leather manufacturer, uses large quantities of common salt to01-Oct-2024
kirstikChat post01-Oct-2024
bbChat post01-Oct-2024

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