Kudos owned by the user

GMATNinja owns 66624 Kudos, gave away 1885 Kudos.

Jeneesha11Re: Professor: A marine biologist argues that transmission of sea lice20-Dec-2023
KerraReading Comprehension Resource Collection20-Dec-2023
KerraRe: GMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan Week 1 [GMAT Classic]20-Dec-2023
raminabagheriRe: A recent court decision has qualified a 1998 ruling that workers canno20-Dec-2023
Menon13Re: A majority of observers interviewed see the Middle East as unstable at20-Dec-2023
SlowpokeRe: Columnist: Metro City has a lower percentage of residents with humanit20-Dec-2023
VShriyanRe: Transportation expenses accounted for a large portion of the total20-Dec-2023
Simanta90Re: Avalanches at Rogers Pass in Glacier National Park killed more than20-Dec-2023
sahilverma96Re: Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but fi20-Dec-2023
BLMRe: When people engage in activities that help others, their brain release20-Dec-2023
pulkitranaRe: Pro-Tect Insurance Company has recently been paying out more on car-th19-Dec-2023
pulkitranaRe: Archaeologists working in the Andes Mountains recently excavated a bur19-Dec-2023
JakeCocchiarellaRe: The Rorschzch test is gaining new respect as a diagnostic tool because19-Dec-2023
Re-BounceRe: At the end of 2001, motion picture industry representatives said that19-Dec-2023
Kimberly77Re: To persuade consumers to buy its personal computers for home use19-Dec-2023
Aka-financeRe: Business Analyst: National Motors began selling the Luxoraits new mo19-Dec-2023
sachhidanandaGMAT Ninja 13-Week Study Plan Week 1 [GMAT Classic]19-Dec-2023
ApoorvaPanditExperts' Topic of the Week, 6/26/17: WTF is THAT doing in my sentence?19-Dec-2023
Riya1475828Re: Traditional social science models of class groups in the United States19-Dec-2023
KrissHuertasRe: Advertisement: For sinus pain, three out of four hospitals give their19-Dec-2023
kukkimukkiRe: Many gardeners believe that the variety of clematis vine that is most19-Dec-2023
bv8562Re: Traditional social science models of class groups in the United States19-Dec-2023
rohan_99_samuraiRe: Commemorative plaques cast from brass are a characteristic art form of19-Dec-2023
nosajRe: Most of the purported health benefits of tea comes from antioxidants19-Dec-2023
pulkitranaRe: All of the cells in a particular plant start out with the same18-Dec-2023
SlowpokeRe: In many corporations, employees are being replaced by automated equipm18-Dec-2023
SlowpokeRe: In many corporations, employees are being replaced by automated equipm18-Dec-2023
nehagoyalRe: Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and hav18-Dec-2023
-_-anulomufa-_-All GMAT Ninja LIVE YouTube videos by topic18-Dec-2023

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