Kudos owned by the user

AjiteshArun owns 4947 Kudos, gave away 715 Kudos.

krittapatThe emergence of an Eskimo art popular in Western markets in recent ye02-Nov-2021
krittapatRe: The emergence of an Eskimo art popular in Western markets in recent ye02-Nov-2021
ayushsinha834Re: 700+ scores on all 6 official mocks but 640 on real GMAT exam01-Nov-2021
BunuelRe: When new laws imposing strict penalties for misleading corporate01-Nov-2021
rsrighoshRe: In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, te01-Nov-2021
Hanz95Re: GMAT Online - What We Know [Master Topic]31-Oct-2021
kd43114Re: Dolphins lack vocal cords, nevertheless creating sounds: a complicated31-Oct-2021
BunuelRe: In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, te31-Oct-2021
BunuelRe: Positing an enormous volcanic explosion at the end of the Permian30-Oct-2021
EducationAisleRe: How to Set Up the Booklet29-Oct-2021
15aradhanaRe: Some scientists contend that many species of dinosaur had a metabolism28-Oct-2021
PrinceJRe: If the statement in the passage concerning oil-supply disruptions is27-Oct-2021
rocky620Re: Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army26-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Although some had accused Smith, the firm’s network manager, of neglig26-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Re: Although some had accused Smith, the firm’s network manager, of neglig26-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Although some had accused Smith, the firm’s network manager, of neglig26-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Re: Dolphins lack vocal cords, nevertheless creating sounds: a complicated26-Oct-2021
orderofthephoenixEven though his predilection for initiating legal proceedings against26-Oct-2021
Vatsal7794Re: The federal rules aimed at protecting human subjects of medical experi25-Oct-2021
Vatsal7794Re: The federal rules aimed at protecting human subjects of medical experi24-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Re: According to a recent study of consumer spending on prescription24-Oct-2021
kayioRe: Severely hindered by problems with local suppliers, the fact that the24-Oct-2021
sonalchhajed2019Re: Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is21-Oct-2021
shauryaguptaRe: The Rorschzch test is gaining new respect as a diagnostic tool because21-Oct-2021
JasmeetSingh07Some biographers have not only disputed the common notion that Edgar20-Oct-2021
SonamRaRe: GMAT Online exam cancelled - technical issue - Bad experience18-Oct-2021
GMATNinjaTwoRe: The emergence of an Eskimo art popular in Western markets in recent ye18-Oct-2021
GraceSCKaoRe: For the period from the eighth century through the eleventh century18-Oct-2021
BunuelRe: In Greek theology the supreme being was Esaugetu Emissee18-Oct-2021
jaysangtani3007Re: For the period from the eighth century through the eleventh century16-Oct-2021

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