Kudos owned by the user

AjiteshArun owns 4946 Kudos, gave away 715 Kudos.

NDNDTesting Centers visits - prior to the exam day21-Nov-2017
antonKRe: Target 770+, last month of prep21-Nov-2017
bbRe: 12 Hours to Test, Hand Injury!17-Nov-2017
DIIIRe: 760 ( Q50, V42, IR 8, AWA 6) !!! from V30 (Diagnostic).16-Nov-2017
tanzztRe: A clinical trial clinic in California is offering15-Nov-2017
luigidtRe: HOW TO approach GMAT study: Highly-effective method15-Nov-2017
harsh901105Formulating a precise search query remains the13-Nov-2017
aceGMAT21Re: Formulating a precise search query remains the13-Nov-2017
rahulsehgalRe: 760 ( Q50, V42, IR 8, AWA 6) !!! from V30 (Diagnostic).13-Nov-2017
kkcricketRe: GMAT 710 but IR Just 212-Nov-2017
dee16Re: Traditionally, the first firm to commercialize a new technology has12-Nov-2017
abhay.2000Re: How to review GMATPrep exam?11-Nov-2017
duahsoloStranger Things, along with The Hunt for Red October and No Country08-Nov-2017
roop4mattRe: As its sales of computer products have surpassed those of measuring in08-Nov-2017
bbNo Score for Exam Pack 106-Nov-2017
Nikhil_asStranger Things, along with The Hunt for Red October and No Country06-Nov-2017
Lutz187Re: MGMAT Study Organizer Excel05-Nov-2017
Erjan_SRe: Preparation for Executive Assessment and GMAT at the same time01-Nov-2017
DIIIRe: Is it possible to score very high (40+) on just one verbal section?31-Oct-2017
BluebluAn industry with a history of systematically funding efforts to31-Oct-2017
aceGMAT21Re: An industry with a history of systematically funding efforts to30-Oct-2017
AgarwalshashankEven though his predilection for initiating legal proceedings against30-Oct-2017
jajanbRe: GMATPrep Accuracy29-Oct-2017
TaN1213Re: Advances in genetic testing have raised major data security concerns29-Oct-2017
DIIIRe: RC score fluctuation.28-Oct-2017
Harsh rawThe Yongle Encyclopedia was an attempt by the Ming dynasty27-Oct-2017
Gaspar777Re: Quant worse than expected26-Oct-2017
nacho93Re: Sending GMAT scores26-Oct-2017
nacho93Re: Sending GMAT scores26-Oct-2017
trungnguyennAdvances in genetic testing have raised major data security concerns25-Oct-2017

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