Kudos owned by the user

AjiteshArun owns 4947 Kudos, gave away 715 Kudos.

sagarsangani123Re: Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide th05-Sep-2020
RSingh21The auto company attributed its recent increase in profits05-Sep-2020
harshbirajdarRe: The fanatical, young group of girls have been waiting in the concert03-Sep-2020
GMATNinjaTwoIn 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Illiad, a work th03-Sep-2020
mba757In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Illiad, a work th03-Sep-2020
rinkipanwar123Re: Ramirez: The film industry claims that pirated DVDs, which are usually02-Sep-2020
mba757Re: In 1776 Adam Smith wrote that it is young people who have “the contemp02-Sep-2020
CR007Re: Originally published in 1950, Some Tame Gazelle was Barbara Pym’s firs01-Sep-2020
CR007Re: In the minds of many people living in England, before Australia was Au01-Sep-2020
yashwantrahulrRe: The most read magazine in America, National Geographic's total01-Sep-2020
GmatboatRe: For the period from the eighth century through the eleventh century31-Aug-2020
udit2021Re: Recent interdisciplinary studies advance the argument that emotions31-Aug-2020
United09Re: Responding to the public’s fascination with―and sometimes undue alarm31-Aug-2020
AnirudhaSRe: A new study suggests that the conversational pace of everyday life may31-Aug-2020
ShowmeyaaRe: Today's technology allows manufacturers to make small cars more fuel31-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: Long overshadowed by the Maya and Aztec civilizations, historians are30-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: Analysts blamed May's sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise30-Aug-2020
KeepMovingForwardIn order to evenly and effectively paint a rough surface, it is necess30-Aug-2020
AbhishekDhanraJ72Re: New Jersey s is one of the five highest number of reported cases of Ly29-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: A team of researchers reported that five endangered birds species had29-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: Declining values for farm equipment and land, the collateral against29-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoExcavation of the house of a third-century Camarnian official revealed28-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: Excavation of the house of a third-century Camarnian official revealed28-Aug-2020
skycastle19Re: Debater: The average amount of overtime per month worked by28-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: For the period from the eighth century through the eleventh century28-Aug-2020
AnirudhaSRe: According to United States Air Force officials a cannon shooting28-Aug-2020
SBL1230Re: Contrary to financial analysts, who predicted last year that the28-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: Severely hindered by problems with local suppliers, the fact that the28-Aug-2020
ChudekhukhoRe: The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular28-Aug-2020
Smitc007Re: Ramirez: The film industry claims that pirated DVDs, which are usually28-Aug-2020

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