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souvik101990 owns 52287 Kudos, gave away 2326 Kudos.

bbChat post03-Mar-2020
FuturePM91Chat post27-Feb-2020
shabuzen102Re: Kenan-Flagler($$$$) vs Rotman($$$) vs Darden($$) for Indian26-Feb-2020
Aakashsharma1Kenan-Flagler($$$$) vs Rotman($$$) vs Darden($$) for Indian26-Feb-2020
newyork2012Re: Will you be getting a new laptop for business school?26-Feb-2020
akadiyanChat post25-Feb-2020
xprometheusxChat post25-Feb-2020
variantguyChat post25-Feb-2020
ocelot22Chat post25-Feb-2020
nightblade354Chat post24-Feb-2020
ENGRTOMBA2018Re: So - what do you REALLY want to do post MBA?22-Feb-2020
MBBApplicantChat post22-Feb-2020
variantguyRe: Cornell vs Ross for IB in the US - Indian Student22-Feb-2020
bbRe: Wharton vs Haas ($$$)20-Feb-2020
ENGRTOMBA2018So - what do you REALLY want to do post MBA?18-Feb-2020
starklogan456So - what do you REALLY want to do post MBA?17-Feb-2020
bbSo - what do you REALLY want to do post MBA?17-Feb-2020
kmwantstogoschoolBooth 2Y student - Incoming at MBB - AMA11-Feb-2020
bbModerator Chat - Friday Feb 7,2020 at 8:30 AM PST // 10 PM IST05-Feb-2020
kmwantstogoschoolRe: Calling All Booth MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake [Class of 2022]02-Feb-2020
easterngodThe Indian Male MBA Application Guide01-Feb-2020
kmwantstogoschoolRe: Booth vs. Cornell $$$$01-Feb-2020
variantguyRe: Calling All Michigan Ross MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake [Class of 2022]18-Jan-2020
variantguyRe: Calling All Michigan Ross MBA Applicants: 2020 Intake [Class of 2022]17-Jan-2020
Arro44Re: Moderator Benefit - Applicant Lab Subscription30-Dec-2019
dparkIf t is a positive integer and r is the remainder when t^2 + 5t + 6 is24-Dec-2019
NorgayRe: Foster ($$) vs Anderson22-Dec-2019
bbHow to Negotiate a Scholarship20-Dec-2019
bbValue of a Top 10 MBA [Long Post]20-Dec-2019
confusedmbaadmitRe: Ross vs Columbia20-Dec-2019

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