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playthegame owns 419 Kudos, gave away 146 Kudos.

WaitingSurprisesSince smoking-related illnesses are a serious health problem23-Jun-2024
WaitingSurprisesSouthington University's fund-raisers succeeded in getting donations23-Jun-2024
quantumTheater M has 25 rows with 27 seats in each row. How many of the seats22-Jun-2024
marcodonzelliA box contains 10 light bulbs, fewer than half of which are defective.22-Jun-2024
fozzzyLast month Grace worked, and was paid for, a total of x hours. Some of22-Jun-2024
DelSinghIf each customer at the outdoor movie last night came in a c22-Jun-2024
janet1511The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents)19-Jun-2024
guddoIf 38 percent of the departments in a certain research organization17-Jun-2024
chetan2uChat post16-Jun-2024
farrous13Consumer's overall perception of the value of a purchase is based not16-Jun-2024
vivgmatSome people have questioned the judges objectivity in cases of sex16-Jun-2024
betterscoreIn virtually any industry, technological improvements increase labor16-Jun-2024
harishbiyani8888A certain cultivated herb is one of a group of closely related plants16-Jun-2024
gmat blowsMost of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from the mines.16-Jun-2024
Michael KC ChenNandipa wishes to maintain her heart health, strictly follows a plant.14-Jun-2024
gmatt1476Psychologist: In a survey, several hundred volunteers rated their own14-Jun-2024
BunuelHardin argued that grazing land held in common (that is, open to any14-Jun-2024
Sajjad1994For a certain radio station in India, the table shows the songs ranked13-Jun-2024
BunuelIn Masonville few streets currently have shade trees. The city's13-Jun-2024
MasteringGMATA comparison of the output of two spinning mills that produce13-Jun-2024
MasteringGMATIn an experiment that lasted several weeks, volunteers were given13-Jun-2024
praveengmatThe table gives three factors to be considered when choosing13-Jun-2024
abhishekrajvermaAccording to the new office smoking regulations, only employees who12-Jun-2024
BunuelExcavation of the house of a third-century Camarnian official revealed11-Jun-2024
reply2spgLawmaker: Raising taxes is not the only means of reducing10-Jun-2024
TehJayIn order to finance road repairs, the highway commission of a certain10-Jun-2024
carcassIn a certain learning experiment, each participant had three trials an10-Jun-2024
amitpaul527Let a,b,c, and d be nonzero real numbers. If the quadratic equation10-Jun-2024
BunuelEditorial: Our city's public transportation agency is facing a budget10-Jun-2024

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