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akadiyan owns 686 Kudos, gave away 53 Kudos.

nahid78Even in a democracy, it is necessary to restrict the dissemination of09-Jul-2018
carcassIf interest rates remain at their current high levels, many people who02-Jul-2018
seekmbaAs business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas08-Jun-2018
GetThisDoneSurveys reveal that the vast majority of hotel guests in the United St04-Jun-2018
shoonyaA newly discovered painting on wooden panel by Michelangelo04-Jun-2018
JusTLucK04Neither of my aunts, both of whom visited Venice last spring04-Jun-2018
saswata4sTwo solutions of 90% and 97% purity are mixed resulting in 21 litres21-May-2018
rkatlA March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that Mexico accounted for mor14-May-2018
flukeConsumer health advocate: Your candy company adds caffeine14-May-2018
kimmygTo evaluate a plan to save money on office space expenditures by havin14-May-2018
pushpitkcRe: Twelve workers pack boxes at a constant rate of 60 boxes in 9 minutes.10-May-2018
EducationAisleRe: Things i wish i could've done earlier26-Apr-2018
AdcomPgpmSpjimr[Official] SPJIMR- PGPM (One Year Full-time MBA) Admissions Class 201923-Apr-2018
EMPOWERgmatRichCRe: For Consecutive integers x, y and z, where x > y > z, which of the21-Apr-2018
sahilvijayRe: Q49 in Gmat club quants test10-Mar-2018
Ashish1985680 to 750 - An adventurous Journey!01-Mar-2018
pnishantA lifetime journey to GMAT 740 (ESRs added)01-Mar-2018
gmat_IndiaNon Native Retake| Improved from 630 to 760 in two months27-Feb-2018
pushpitkcRe: A person is standing on a staircase. He walks down 4 steps, up 3 step12-Feb-2018
pushpitkcIn how many different ways can the letters A, A, B, B,11-Feb-2018
souvik101990Verbal Advantage by EMPOWERgmat!10-Feb-2018
Manishcfc8GMAT 1st attempt; 720 Q49V3925-Dec-2017
bbDS Question Directory by Topic and Difficulty29-Oct-2017

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