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ThatIndianGuy owns 63 Kudos, gave away 385 Kudos.

Art200Re: Rotman vs IE vs SDA Bocconi (Indian applicant)27-Nov-2024
bbRe: Rotman vs IE vs SDA Bocconi (Indian applicant)21-Nov-2024
bb[PREDICTION] Application Volume will be up 30% this year08-Nov-2024
BunuelRe: $30,000 Prizes at GMAT Club Olympics July 8 -19, 202408-Jul-2024
MasterOfDesasterIn year x, it rained on 40% of all Mondays and 20% of all Tuesdays. On07-Jul-2024
pratiksha1998Re: The Securities Trading Commission (STC) recently examined the acquisit04-Jul-2024
SaquibHGMATWhizRe: A car is 40 miles behind a bus, which is traveling in the same02-Jul-2024
bbGMAT Focus what-if scenarios16-May-2024
KinshookRe: What is the product of all the solutions of (x + 2)^2 = |x + 2|?15-May-2024
Sajjad1994Re: Given the amount of time and effort that curators, collectors, dealers03-Apr-2024
pintukrMany political economists believe that the soundest indicator of the18-Mar-2024
chetan2uRe: ­The table below displays data on various products sold by a major ret18-Mar-2024
Sajjad1994GMAT Club Reading Comprehension (RC) Quiz-I 202429-Feb-2024
TargetKellogg2024Should I really go for an MBA?22-Jan-2024
Gladiator59Re: Nico Frijda writes that emotions are governed by a psychological princ18-Jan-2024
HKD1710Re: Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better15-Jan-2024
EMPOWERgmatVerbalRe: Michelangelo, it is believed, had made his sculpture of David using an11-Jan-2024
lwisherRe: In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of11-Jan-2024
bbBest MBA Programs for Consulting, Finance, and Tech08-Jan-2024
GMATGuruNYRe: The cathedrals of the Middle Ages were community centers just as much08-Jan-2024
GMATNinjaRe: Scientists say that by bathing the skin cells in extracts of immune c07-Jan-2024
gracieRe: Find the sum of all the four digit numbers which are formed05-Jan-2024
IshanaSharmaChat post11-Dec-2023
IshanaSharmaChat post07-Dec-2023
CrackverbalGMATRe: The test was easy enough that I mastered it  after a simple brain tran23-Nov-2023
prashant212Re: A quadratic equation is in the form of x^2–2px + m = 0, where m is02-Nov-2023
parasmaRe: The figure given shows a seating plan of 7 people A, B, C, D, E, F & G02-Nov-2023
VeritasPrepBrianRe: Metropolis-area dry cleaners have had a steady increase in business01-Nov-2023
satya2029Re: A={a, b, c, d, e} is given. How many subsets of A contain at least one29-Oct-2023
generisA derivative of the North American Echinacea flower, which has been17-Oct-2023

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