| Recipient | Post | Date |
| Skywalker18 | Re: What is patriotism? Is it love of one’s birthplace, the place of child | 28-Jul-2019 |
| firas92 | | 28-Jul-2019 |
| ssd123 | Re: Lymphomas and rare cancers of the thyroid and salivary glands are some | 28-Jul-2019 |
| ssd123 | Re: Zooplankton, tiny animals adapted to an existence in the ocean, have e | 27-Jul-2019 |
| nightblade354 | Mod Nightblade's Quick Guide to RC | 27-Jul-2019 |
| Kinshook | Re: Game of Timers - Join the Competition to Win Prizes | 27-Jul-2019 |
| Kinshook | | 27-Jul-2019 |
| udaypratapsingh99 | | 27-Jul-2019 |
| udaypratapsingh99 | | 27-Jul-2019 |
| auradediligodo | Re: Although the United States steel industry faces widely publicized econ | 26-Jul-2019 |
| jawele | Re: Although the United States steel industry faces widely publicized econ | 26-Jul-2019 |
| azhrhasan | Re: A growing taste for shark steaks and shark-fin soup has for the first | 25-Jul-2019 |
| generis | Re: Before the 1920s, there was a long-standing debate about the nebulae | 25-Jul-2019 |
| generis | Re: Before the 1920s, there was a long-standing debate about the nebulae | 25-Jul-2019 |
| generis | Re: Before the 1920s, there was a long-standing debate about the nebulae | 25-Jul-2019 |
| Annet1524 | Re: The first mention of slavery in the statutes of the English colonies o | 24-Jul-2019 |
| vscid | Seeking a competitive advantage, some professional service firms (for | 24-Jul-2019 |
| Annet1524 | Re: While popular science tends to favor extra galactic astronomical resea | 24-Jul-2019 |
| auradediligodo | Re: Gray marketing, the selling of trademarked products through channels o | 24-Jul-2019 |
| warrior1991 | Re: Before the 1920s, there was a long-standing debate about the nebulae | 23-Jul-2019 |
| dcummins | Ecoefficiency (measures to minimize environmental impact through the r | 23-Jul-2019 |
| Annet1524 | Re: Insect-eating bats rely heavily on echolocation, a method of sensory p | 23-Jul-2019 |
| Annet1524 | Re: The legislature of a country recently considered a bill designed to re | 23-Jul-2019 |
| l1ll1ll1ll1ll1l | Re: While a new surge of critical interest in the ancient Greek poems conv | 22-Jul-2019 |
| 800Dreamer | Re: A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anyt | 21-Jul-2019 |
| auradediligodo | Re: One reason we are able to recognize speech, despite all the acoustic v | 21-Jul-2019 |
| auradediligodo | Re: The ‘trophic contamination hypothesis’ posits that shorebirds accumula | 20-Jul-2019 |
| auradediligodo | Re: The historical basis for the King Arthur legend has long been debated | 19-Jul-2019 |
| arora1 | Re: There can be nothing simpler than an elementary particle: it is an ind | 18-Jul-2019 |