Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

GMATNinja owns 66552 Kudos, gave away 1881 Kudos.

AbhiJRe: 740(Q-49,V-42)- Took it late but better safe than sorry!19-Jan-2013
PrashantPondeRe: New GMAT Prep Version is out?16-Jan-2013
wouldbecrazyGMAT books & resources are available for deserving Candidate12-Jan-2013
commdiverRe: Score Drop from Practice to Official, Prep Advice?07-Jan-2013
jumsumtakRe: Taking notes on Critical Reasoning?07-Jan-2013
souvik101990Re: The GMAT is driving me nuts04-Jan-2013
CobraKaiRe: The 2012-2013 Zero Admit Club03-Jan-2013
PrashantPondeVOTE: BEST GMAT Practice Tests (Excluding GMATPREP)28-Dec-2012
bbRe: Approximately when will B-Schools start to look at IR score?26-Dec-2012
jumsumtakRe: GMAC Paper tests26-Dec-2012
optiqueztFrustration with Peterson GMAT17-Dec-2012
souvik101990How to Improve Verbal from V30 to V4002-Dec-2012
carcassEven GMAC is not perfect :) too funny27-Nov-2012
rainfallGMAT 480-->550--> 560--> 550-->480--> 680 (Q48 V35)27-Nov-2012
ZenverseRe: Im not english, and im taking the gmat! HELP.27-Nov-2012
MarcabRe: Gmat 550 Quant(47) Verbal(20)-->Disaster26-Nov-2012
bellcurve10 LSAT Tests to Boost RC & CR Power!15-Nov-2012
carcassOG not similar to real GMAT at all15-Nov-2012
dabralAdvice regarding OG 12th Edition/GMATFocus: Quantitative R13-Mar-2010
jallenmorrisRe: 750 but low quant - retake?17-Aug-2009

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