| Recipient | Post | Date |
| KarishmaB | Re: Left-handed persons suffer more frequently than do right-handed person | 05-Dec-2024 |
| ADisHere | Re: Which weekday is the last day of the year? | 04-Dec-2024 |
| Dbrunik | Re: Three numbers, p, q and r, are such that the HCF of any two numbers | 04-Dec-2024 |
| Ayeka | Three numbers, p, q and r, are such that the HCF of any two numbers | 04-Dec-2024 |
| meanup | Three numbers, p, q and r, are such that the HCF of any two numbers | 04-Dec-2024 |
| giuseppemvn | Re: In County X, 60 percent of the households have an annual income of | 04-Dec-2024 |
| ADisHere | Re: In County X, 60 percent of the households have an annual income of | 04-Dec-2024 |
| finner999 | In County X, 60 percent of the households have an annual income of | 04-Dec-2024 |
| MonishBhawale | Re: If a bus travels x miles in y minutes, what is the average speed of | 04-Dec-2024 |
| ADisHere | Re: What percent of the 300 students are girls who had taken a course in | 03-Dec-2024 |
| winterschool | Re: Jane started driving in the morning at a constant speed, after one and | 03-Dec-2024 |
| ADisHere | Re: Jane started driving in the morning at a constant speed, after one and | 03-Dec-2024 |
| Ayeka | Re: Drivers of automobiles over 30 are more likely to purchase music in | 03-Dec-2024 |
| Carson31 | Re: Drivers of automobiles over 30 are more likely to purchase music in | 03-Dec-2024 |
| chandy123 | Re: Town Representative: The new advertisements protesting plans by the | 03-Dec-2024 |
| ravi1522 | Team A has scored x points and team B has now scored y points, where | 03-Dec-2024 |
| BHARGAVIMOGADALA | Re: Out of 50 people surveyed, 20 said they liked Rock, 23 said they liked | 03-Dec-2024 |
| Harish_IITB | | 03-Dec-2024 |
| MartyMurray | Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from independent suppliers | 03-Dec-2024 |
| MartyMurray | Re: When using a manufactured pattern to make clothing, a tailor alters | 03-Dec-2024 |
| Dbrunik | | 03-Dec-2024 |
| D3N0 | Re: The table lists 13 varieties of edible oils by smoke point, recommende | 03-Dec-2024 |
| cdrectenwald | Re: Working together but independently, Scott and Eric can address X | 02-Dec-2024 |
| chandy123 | Re: The state of California recently adopted legislation that requires bar | 02-Dec-2024 |
| Tishaagarwal13 | If x percent of y percent of 480 is equal to z percent of w percent of | 02-Dec-2024 |
| meanup | Re: If x percent of y percent of 480 is equal to z percent of w percent of | 02-Dec-2024 |
| prantorboni | Re: If x percent of y percent of 480 is equal to z percent of w percent of | 02-Dec-2024 |
| 7seven7 | Re: A parking lot charges its rental in the following way- first three | 02-Dec-2024 |
| Ribas | Re: A parking lot charges its rental in the following way- first three | 02-Dec-2024 |
| cosmiclatte | M27-03 | 02-Dec-2024 |