Last visit was: 17 Sep 2024, 16:21 It is currently 17 Sep 2024, 16:21
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1 years
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Score: 330 GRE
GPA: 3.2
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
7 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
7 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
7 days ago
INSEAD Master in Management
INSEAD Master in Management
7 days ago
Ivey Business School
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
7 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
7 days ago
13 Sep 2024 05:09
I got my bachelor's degree (computer science) at Sharif University in Iran (the most prestigious one in engineering ) and also have 1 year of work experience as a consulter in the healthcare industry.

I also participate in an Executive MBA course ( 1 year long and the best one in Iran). I also have a great understanding and decent programming skills in ML and data analysis concerning my major.

Post-MBA Short-Term Goals: After my MBA, I plan to join a top consulting firm, focusing on strategy and innovation for startups and high-growth companies. This will help me develop a diverse skill set and gain exposure to various industries, while working closely with emerging businesses.

Post-MBA Long-Term Goals: Long-term, I aim to transition into a leadership role within a high-growth startup or launch my own venture. I want to apply the insights gained from consulting to drive innovation, particularly in tech or sustainability, and build a company that scales successfully while making a positive impact.

Region Targeted: I’m targeting dynamic startup ecosystems, such as Silicon Valley, New York, and London, but I’m also open to opportunities in emerging markets.
Comments 2 comments
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10 Sep 2024, 16:12
Hi. Just to clarify, if you only have one year of work experience, it’s going to be considered not enough by most programs or virtually all of them.

There is usually a requirement for a minimum of two years and most programs are looking for people with about 3 to 8 years of work experience. Having said that, if you were working or doing a startup during college, that can count and also there’s a number of programs that can defer you such as Stanford.

You have an amazing profile and I do not want to discourage you but as also someone who was fairly young when they got there NBA, you will get more out of it once you get some managerial experience and leadership experience.

You can absolutely get a masters degree and maybe that’s what you’re applying for at these universities so forgive me if I am working up the wrong tree and you’re going after a masters.
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13 Sep 2024, 17:30
Thank you! I will send you a message.