Last visit was: 17 Sep 2024, 16:12 It is currently 17 Sep 2024, 16:12
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6 years
Score: 695 GMAT Focus
GPA: 3.7
Pre-MBA industry: Consulting
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
August Intake
August Intake
Round 1
AppliedSep 8, 24
8 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 2, 24
8 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 2, 24
8 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 1, 24
8 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedJan 9, 24
Invited to interviewSep 6, 24
8 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
3 months ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
3 months ago
Sloan MIT
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
3 months ago
Stanford GSB
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
3 months ago
10 Sep 2024 12:09
I'm an Engineer from Morocco. I have been working in Consulting for the past 6 years. My post-MBA goal is to work on high-level consulting project in Morocco & Africa. The MBA should enhance my problem-solving skills (considering my technical background) + provide me with a global perspective

I've received 2-3 promotions during my career and traveled to 7-8 countries as part of my job.
My recommenders are a partner of a consulting firm who was my supervisor+ the Regional Manager in my current firm
Comments 10 comments
User avatar
09 Sep 2024, 08:53
Hey, you've got a good chance of getting into your desired MBA programs. Your high GMAT score and relevant work experience give you an edge. Good luck

Feel free to schedule a call with us here for an in-depth profile evaluation.
User avatar
09 Sep 2024, 13:02
Hi SB1230
I am Priyanka, Client Manager at ARINGO. Speaking about your profile, your GMAT score and GPA are strong. With 6 years of experience with more than a couple promotions and international exposure you should have a strong narrative to build around. Your LORs look good too. I see that you have been shortlisted for interview at Oxford, good luck for that.

If you have any questions regarding your interview scheduled and chances at other top schools, FEEL FREE TO CONNECT WITH ME.
Click here to connect.
You can also email me your CV at:
Good Luck!
User avatar
09 Sep 2024, 16:41
Thank you! That’s a fantastic profile. Very strong chances for the EU schools.

M7 is a bit more unpredictable unfortunately.

PS. if your employer is offering to sponsor you, that will also help with admissions even if you do not want to return but they are offering to sponsor you.... Just FYI
User avatar
10 Sep 2024, 11:23
Thank you for the feedback. Fingers crossed.
Unfortunately I don't have any sponsorship agreement with my employer.
I'm planning to apply in the 2nd round to other schools, In case I don't get accept to the ones above. Do you have any recommendations? I assume I should go for schools that have consistently placed students in consulting (MBB,...), right?
User avatar
10 Sep 2024, 11:36
Hi. there’s actually really good recruiting among top 15 schools with placements into consulting. Harvard and Stanford for example are not known as great consulting schools. They still place a decent number, but usually people don’t go to Harvard to pursue consulting. You can go to Fuqua or Ross or Darden, or especially Tuck and Yale were consulting is bread and butter and is the daily laser focus of the program.

A good comparison could be buying a sports car which is really really good but not necessary if you are just driving to work.

I would recommend expanding your options to include a few lower ranked schools as you make consider the scholarship options they may offer. For example all T15 US programs are more competitive than Oxford for example.
User avatar
10 Sep 2024, 12:24
Thanks, that’s clear. Will consider these schools in the 2nd round.
Oxford is attractive for it’s 1 year program...
User avatar
10 Sep 2024, 12:26
Got ya. a lot of the consulting recruiting in the US is built around the summer internship. You do the summer intern internship in the consulting company and most of the time you’re set because you get the return offer... that is the US model. There’s still recruiting even without the internship as people change their mind and some people don’t get return offers but the rule is internship —> offer and a 2-year program.
User avatar
10 Sep 2024, 12:33
I see. Any idea if that applies for the Middle East too? Let’s say, someone wants to work in an MBB in Dubai.
Also if there is a choice between Insead or LBS and Yale. What do you think should be the differentiator factors? Target location post MBA?
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10 Sep 2024, 12:33
I think European schools are better for Dubai recruiting and networking as most folks from the U.S. schools stay here or at least try to after graduation.
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10 Sep 2024, 12:43
Thanks for all the infos. Appreciate it.