Last visit was: 19 Sep 2024, 01:46 It is currently 19 Sep 2024, 01:46
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5 years
655 GMAT Focus
690 GMAT Classic
GPA: 8.2
Pre-MBA industry: Consulting
Post-MBA industry: Finance
Ross (Michigan)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
4 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
5 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
5 days ago
Johnson (Cornell)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
5 days ago
15 Sep 2024 10:09
Bachelor's in technology (B.Tech) from a Tier-1 Indian institute.

5+ years of consulting experience at a Big 4 firm, demonstrating strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Received two promotions within the company. My recommenders are partners and directors of the firm.

Extensive experience working with international clients across Asia and Europe, and government clients in India, Qatar, and Kazakhstan

Transitioning to a career in finance/financial consulting post-MBA.

Other involvements: Led multiple clubs in the university, have extensive volunteering experience with NGOs and the United Nations Online Volunteering Program and currently I am a member of the firm's DE&I team.

Kindly suggest other schools I can consider for this admission season.
Comments 2 comments
User avatar
14 Sep 2024, 00:54
Hi qbb
I am Priyanka, Client Manager at ARINGO. Speaking about your profile, Your GMAT score is decent for the schools you are targeting. Average GMAT score for the schools you are targeting are Stern- 722, Kellogg 731, Ross 719 and Cornell 710. Your FE score stands around 710 on the classic version. Your GPA is also kind of decent for these programs. Are there any other certifications which could help you in demonstrating your academic performance to the adcoms. Also, since you are applying mostly in R2, can you manage a retake and boost your score to about 685-695?

Your 5+ years of extensive work experience should be the major highlight of your application. Your international exposure and Big $ experience are a big plus. The promotions you’ve earned reflect your leadership potential and your diverse experience with international and government clients adds depth to your skill set. You should highlight your involvement in DE&I and volunteer work, which will bring unique diversity to your profile. These experiences will also demonstrate your commitment to inclusion and social impact, qualities that adcoms look for in applicants.
Some schools which you can add to your list are-

Safe: Kelly, Mccomb, Kenan flagler, Goizueta.
Target: Duke, Tepper, McDonough, Marshal, Darden.

I’d love to learn more about your journey. FEEL FREE TO CONNECT TO FOR A FREE DETAILED PROFILE ANALYSIS.
Click here to connect.
You can also email me your CV at:
Good Luck!
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15 Sep 2024, 22:13
Hey qbb,

Vashi here from LilacBuds.

Considering your profile, you have a good GPA but considering your 1st choice programs you can try working on the GMAT score a bit. Seeing that you are applying for R2, try giving GMAT another shot and keep 675+ as your minimum target. This will definitely boost your chances. Being a female applicant has its own advantages that is why this score will work.

You also need to make sure that your application essays reflect your strong professional + leadership experience as well highlight all the international experience you bring to the table. Clarity of post-MBA goals are a must & they need to clearly depicted in your essays and how each specific school will be critical in helping you achieve the same. Your extra-curriculars & volunteering work + DE&I involvement will give you brownie points.
Interact with alumni of these schools and having strong recommendations will be a big plus for your admit chances.

We at LilacBuds would love to assist you by connecting you to alums/ mentors of top B-schools and would therefore request more details about your profile. You can connect with our team for a detailed profile analysis at ... mpaign=GCV or leave a message on +91-84483 35484 for a direct reachout.
You can also share your CV on .

Hoping to hear from you.
PS- Are you considering EU/ UK schools also? They can be some good Finance choices.