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Admit Expert

Your trusted companion for achieving admission to your dream business school

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What We Do

At Admit Expert, we specialize in helping applicants stand out and gain admission to leading graduate programs around the world.

Our process begins with a thorough assessment of each candidate's profile. Through strategic questioning, we carefully analyze the candidate's strengths, experiences and aspirations. Our team of experienced consultants then provide tailored help and feedback on all application materials, helping candidates craft compelling responses that uniquely highlight their story and value proposition.

But our approach doesn't stop at essays and written material. We also conduct high-level strategy sessions to guide candidates throughout the entire application process. From selecting the right schools to developing a clear and coherent application strategy, we work closely with candidates to ensure their applications are compelling and tailored to the specific requirements of each program.

Why Choose Us

At Admit Expert, we are a group of highly experienced MBA admission consultants who are alumni of top global B-schools. What sets us apart is our direct experience as part of actual MBA admission teams at leading B-schools, giving us unparalleled insight into what these schools are looking for in a candidate. Our team of MBA counselors is based out of diverse locations, including India, US, Europe, Canada, and Singapore, providing us with a global perspective on MBA admissions. We follow structured and proven processes and templates that have helped countless candidates navigate the application process smoothly and successfully.

One of our unique strengths is our personalized approach. We allocate university admission consultants who are alumni of the B-schools the candidate is applying to. They work closely with the lead consultant to customize the candidate's narrative, ensuring that it aligns with the specific requirements of each B-school. From there, our team of English language experts go above and beyond just language checks and conduct a thorough review of the entire application content, ensuring that it aligns with the specific needs and requirements of each B-school. This comprehensive approach ensures that each application is of the highest quality and maximizes the candidate's chances of success.

Trust us to be your partner in navigating the competitive landscape of MBA admissions and securing your spot at your dream B-school.

But don't just take our word for it. Scroll down and check out what some of our satisfied clients have to say about us.

Admit Expert Success Stories

Sandeep | B-School: London Business School

I took MBA admission consulting services from Admit Expert for applying to LBS. They understood my profile, went through multiple iterations of narrative building and essay editing, and finally we were able to submit a great application, which might not have been possible without the guidance of Admit Expert team.

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Akanksha Sinha | B-School: Foster | GMAT waiver

Admit Expert was a game-changer for me during the MBA application process. My consultant took the time to get to know me on a personal level and really understand my career aspirations. Sivaranjani motivated me to step into the application journey even though I did not have a GMAT score.

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Ellen | B-school: Berkeley Haas

Admit Expert taught me how to find my perfect school by providing me with a personalized checklist for self-evaluation and highlighting my strengths so that I can apply to schools that will give me an edge...I strongly recommend Admit Expert if you want to get into your dream business school.

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Disha Chhabra | B-School: Emory Goizueta | GMAT waiver

I got GMAT waivers from almost all the schools that I applied it to. And in fact, I got admission also from a top college, Emory, with a scholarship of $72,000. I am honestly very grateful for the help that Admit Expert has provided, and I'll forever be grateful for all the help that they have given. I strongly recommend Admit Expert to anybody who's targeting the top colleges of the world and need guidance in their application process. Their dedication and their nurturing nature has helped me get through and achieve the goals that I envisioned for myself. So definitely try it out and they will never disappoint you.

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Rushang Gupta | B-School: NYU Stern (100% scholarship)

Despite facing discouragement from people around me because of my just 2 years of work experience, Admit Expert's team really pushed me to apply this year, and I am so glad that I did. Thanks to their expert guidance, I was able to secure a full scholarship admission at NYU Stern and reach the interview stages of all the schools I applied to with them.

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Game designer with 4.5 years of work-experience | Kellogg School of Management

Admit Expert was the only consultation service I knew that provided school-specific mentors who helped me tailor my application to each school. This drastically reduced the time needed to research programs, allowing me to instead focus on my GMAT and polishing my essays. The support of the school-specific mentors, combined with the fair price and a fantastic lead mentor meant that I got into Kellogg, my dream program. Thanks Admit Expert!

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