September 04, 2021

Joined: Mar 05, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

730 & e-GMAT (Positively Correlated)


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

After about 2 months of self-preparation using the OG as the bible, I took the GMAT. I had thought that I would be able to force my brain to learn the algorithm of how to pick the right answer simply by solving hundreds of questions, training the neural network, as it is called in this age of AI. I was disappointed as I scored a 680.

I had not given up hope but could not improve much because I was stuck to the "Solve More Questions to Get It" strategy. One day while scrolling the web I came across e-GMATs website and instantly booked a meeting with a strategist who pointed out quite methodically that one of the main problems in my strategy is that I don't have any solid foundation. He explained how e-GMAT could solve that problem (especially in verbal). That was an eye-opener and I jumped on-board.

I would want to list down the the most important points in my GMAT journey to a 730 score with e-GMAT.

1. One of the most important factors was Atreya. He was my mentor in the Last Mile Program who helped devise hyper specific objective based preparation methods so that I do not aimlessly go through each and everything. Atreya analyzed my performances consistently and kept pushing me to improve by focusing relentlessly on the areas which require improvement. This worked wonders as I was able to sharpen my SC and RC skills in almost no time. Thanks Atreya.

2. The course material by e-GMAT is fabulous. It is by far the best way to learn any concept. My verbal skills improved from V33 to V41 purely because of this learning methodology whereby you read about a topic, understand the underlying process, solve some questions to completely grasp it. In no time it becomes your second nature. The process skills imparted by the e-GMAT course is simply unparalleled. I cannot emphasize enough how important the process skills are for SC and prethinking for CR and e-GMAT is the best platform to hone these skills.

3. The Scholaranium 2.0 is their testing platform where you can cement your abilities by creating different types of quizzes. The analytics it gave me about my performance were deeply insightful and the wealth of questions it had was more than enough to have a good handle on any section.

Combined with Atreya's tailored guidance and seamless experience using the scholaranium and course material, I would say e-GMAT does what others would take years to do. Highly targeted and scientific approach to learning for a specific goal. Go for e-GMAT for accelerated improvement of your GMAT Skills.

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