August 06, 2021

Joined: Nov 06, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q50 V32

e-gmat review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started preparing for GMAT last year to get admission to a part time MBA program. After researching a lot, I subscribed to two online GMAT courses, e-gmat was one of them. My first attempt yielded a score of 690 (Quant 50, Verbal 31). I was not satisfied with my verbal score and decided to give GMAT once again. I accepted the score because I wanted to see my ESR report and get feedback on it. I approached e-gmat team with my ESR report and asked them for help. Within a day, I received a personalized video explaining my ESR report and steps to follow in order to achieve higher verbal score. Dhananjay explained the ESR report in depth and also pointed out my weaknesses. Dhananjay came up with detailed 21 day plan and started assigning tasks to me. There were clear instructions about what needs to be done and how to track my progress. Throughout my preparation, Dhananjay kept on motivating me and gave valuable tips to keep me on track. I thank Dhananjay a lot for his expert support. Kudos to Dhananjay. I improved my verbal score in my third attempt 690 (Quant 50, Verbal 32), not by much, but I am sure that if I had followed the instructions from Dhananjay word by word, I would have had a better score.

In this journey, I would definitely talk about E-GMAT course, especially about Verbal section.

Verbal course starts with Master Comprehension (MC). MC explains the very basic thing “reading and comprehension” in a very structured manner and makes it easy for you to follow the rest of the course. Don’t skip this section, this is one of the most fundamental technique you need in GMAT. Sentence correction course stands out as it emphasizes on meaning based approach, which is very important in tackling harder questions.

Critical reasoning course provided by e-gmat is the most comprehensive material I came across during my studies. It makes it extremely easy to break down the argument into premises and conclusion and helps immensely to understand the line of reasoning used by author. Pre thinking is difficult step to conquer and needs a lot of practice. I think this is where I missed the trick in CR. I would strongly urge that you practice pre-thinking in every CR problem you solve to gain mastery at it. Pre-thinking is the most important step at solving CR questions.

I did not go through Quant course much and directly started solving the questions (one very god trick I learned was wavy line method :)).

Scholaranium is the e-gmat platform for practicing GMAT like questions. I must say that the platform is well developed, the question bank is very mature and the questions resemble the real GMAT questions, especially Quant questions. You can make you practice quizzes, concept quizzes and even mini tests. Every question you solve is thoroughly examined by the platform and you get immensely useful statistic out of your practice. The stats report is exhaustive in nature and touches many aspects, such as timing, accuracy, classification based on question type, etc.

Another astonishing thing in e-gmat is Sigma-X mocks. I took mocks offered by GMAT Prep and by third parties. While GMAT Prep mocks give a very good idea about actual exam, Sigma-X mocks provide detailed analysis of your performance on the test. These tests are as good as real GMAT and I would advice you to take them in one sitting to get the best analysis of your performance.

In summary, if you want to excel in GMAT, E-GMAT is the platform to go for. Extremely useful video explanations of theory and solutions along with scholaraniam and Sigma-X mock tests and your disciplined efforts will definitely help you achieve your dream score on GMAT.

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